Range Star
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Every payment option in one device!
Range Star is a web based payment system platform, giving you every payment option in one device. Accept PIN codes, Credit Cards, Mobile Payments, Membership Cards, or use our phone app at your golf ball dispenser. Your customers will also have access to our mobile app to manage their range account directly from their mobile device. Our web based platform is easy to use, and allows the golf course to manage range accounts seamlessly, from any location, while keeping an eye on range activity in real time.
Range Star Highlights
- Up to 3 selection sizes
- Charge different prices for credit card purchases
- Set a custom expiration date for each individual account
- Void & replace lost or stolen accounts
- Automatic, customizable, auto-credit accounts
- View up-to-date, real-time information from any location
- Wireless single-use PIN codes that can replace tokens
- Point of sale software integration to print PIN codes directly from your Point of Sale stations
(integrated with most major POS companies) - Print batch PINS for tournament play
- Control the entire system online; create accounts, change prices, get reports, and so much more!
- Your customers can use our mobile app to manage their
account, and get PIN codes or QR codes directly on their phone
Click below for an interactive Range Star demo!